Monday, September 14, 2009

Family Cultures

1. Never disown your child for whatever reason as your unconditional love shall correct his way in God's time. Pray and be patient as your desire for their goodness will leave a deep mark on his heart.

2.Make your home a happy home. A place of refuge and consolation. If parents are gods on earth so thus the home is heaven on earth.

3. Never disown your parents though they may disown you. Its not your duty to seek so much from them as much as its not proper for them to seek so much in return from you. Let all be a work of charity and vision of good things in return in some future time..remember karma.

4.Never disown your brothers or sisters, this has to be extended to another gardens where your father has planted his seeds. Oftentimes you will be more respected and honored in doing so.

5.Give your parents flowers and chocolates while they can smell its fragrance and taste its sweetness, so when they join our ancestors you will have tears of joy rather than wailing for loss.

6.Tell your stories to your children and they will remember it very well. Let them feel pride and confidence that they are your children. Let them feel your strength though you maybe not, let them recognize from you strength of character though you are hiding something..For I tell you, you are the most wonderful person to them.

7. Prepare your children in the real life..gradually. Let them learn the basic life and living from you, if you do not know how to begin, just look at them with affection and love will tell you how.

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